
外国人の杉並さんぽ 阿佐ヶ谷駅周辺

Foreigners around Suginami was in Asagaya with foreign exchange students.

Foreigners around Suginami was in Asagaya with foreign exchange students.

The first tour of foreigners around Suginami was in Asagaya with foreign exchange students Santosh and Shilash from Nepal, Shin from China, and American Joseph, from Hawaii. Along with organizer Greg, also from the US (Boston), the 5 of them enjoyed discovering Asagaya.


Walking Down Former Naka-sugi Rd

Walking Down Former Naka-sugi Rd

First we headed toward the former Naka-sugi road, and were immediately confronted by a ghost! Not a real ghost, of course, but a Halloween decoration... we were surprised at this because it wasn't really a typical Japanese style decoration, but rather an out-of-place ghost sitting in a truck. In the US we decorate like this, but everyone tries to make it as scary as possible...

Some things in particular that we found very interesting and worth seeing were among the new modern culture as well as old traditional culture of Japan. For example, we found a "capsule toy store" which none of our countries have but seems very typical of Japan. There was an amazing amount of figures there, each culturally significant and collectible. I have always been interested in such figures.

We also went to a hand-made basket store, and marveled at the items outside the shop. We did not go inside but we were kindly greeted by the store owner, who shared very interesting conversation with us about how these baskets are traditionally made-- the process is long and arduous. We were all very impressed.

It was a very interesting time talking about both our fascinations with Japan and the differences from our own countries... we were able to sample many kinds of food, some Japanese, some not. Some things were even tried for the first time, others enjoyed and compared to the other times we have had them. I was most surprised that Santosh and Shilash never had sushi until they came to Japan, because I used to enjoy it a lot in Boston before coming to Japan (although it is much better here of course).

We each decided to share some certain things of interest from our excursion. Please enjoy, and check them out!
Greg Mudarri, U.S.A.

旧中杉通りへ向かっている時、お化けに会いました! もちろん、本当の幽霊ではなく、ハロウィンの飾りです。でも、日本的なカワイイ飾り物ではなく、アメリカっぽいお化けだったのでビックリしました。アメリカでもハロウィンのために飾り付けをしますが、できるだけ怖くするのがアメリカ流です。   

執筆:Greg Mudarri(アメリカ)

Cultural Diversity in Tokyo

Cultural Diversity in Tokyo

Coming to Japan had always been my dream. I have always been fascinated with Japanese technology and Japanese history. The thing that I wasn’t expecting to see
here was the religious and cultural diversity. Walking through the old streets of Minami Asagaya, Suginami, I was stunned to see the strange but beautiful Halloween decorations. Halloween being a western festival and me being a South Asian, I was delighted to see the decorations. I also got to see few South Asian restaurants with the pictures of Hindu gods and goddesses. The old street of Asagaya was full of surprises and the most astonishing of all was the legendary Buddhist figure called “Daruma”. We came across Daruma, a yaki-tori restaurant. Curiously I asked the kind owner, who explained saying Daruma is a symbol for achieving one’s goal. He also said that it is a charm for good luck. In a nutshell, the streets of Asagaya were thrilling and I was surprised to see the cultural diversity I Japan.

Shop Name:Daruma
Address:Suginami-ku Asagaya Kita 2-12-23
Shop Owner:Tatsuya Hasegawa

Shilash Sharma, Nepal


住所:杉並区阿佐谷北2-12-23  TEL:03-3310-4466
店主:長谷川 達也(はせがわたつや)さん

執筆:Shilash Sharma(ネパール)

First Gelato Experience in Japan

First Gelato Experience in Japan

Wow, look at this! Such delicious looking gelato. I decided to try 3 of them; Mille-Feuille, Kokuto, and Pione. Eating the Mille-Feuille, I tasted strawberries and vanilla, but with some crunch from the cornflakes. Now what will Kokuto taste like? It tasted like caramel, since it's made from brown sugar. Last is Pione, the plum gelato. And that's what it tasted like, a fruity plum but I found out later that it's actually made from grape. I can't believe that tucked away in Suginami was Sin Ce Rita, producing such amazing gelato. Experience very smooth and creamy gelato overflowing with flavor.

Shop Name:Sin Ce Rita
Address:Suginami-ku, Asagaya Kita 1-43-7
Joseph Fong, U.S.A.

すごく美味しいジェラートの「Sin Ce Rita」という店が杉並区にあるなんて、とても素晴らしいと思います。クリーミーな美味しさを経験してください。

店名:Sin Ce Rita
住所:杉並区阿佐谷北1-43-7  TEL:03-5364-9430
執筆:Joseph Fong(アメリカ)

Delicious Japanese Senbei and Susi

Delicious Japanese Senbei and Susi


I am an exchange student from China. I heard from my friend about an activity for foreigners to go walking around Suginami and was happy to participate. I thought it was very fun to go to various Japanese shops. The one that left the most lasting impression on me was a store called Hachiman Senbei. Here there were many different snacks and treats made from rice. They are delicious, cheap, and nutritious! Since we don't have senbei in China, it was my first time to experience this taste. We tried flavors like seaweed, toffee, and green tea. Personally, I liked the tea flavor the best.

Store Name:Hachiman Senbei
Address:Suginami-ku Asagaya Kita 3-11-22

An Interesting Sushi Experience
I never had sushi before coming to Japan, and once I came hear and tasted it, it became my very favorite food. Since arriving here I have had sushi at many places, but I was really fascinated by Futaba Sushi nearing the end of our walk down Kyu Naka-sugi Dori.

At Futaba Sushi the owner has been making sushi for 60 years, so you can get some really delicious sushi made by a man who loves what he does. I was also surprised by his wife who helps him there, as she was using an abacus for all the calculations. In Nepal I had seen an abacus when studying computer history and maybe when I was an elementary school student. But it was a very interesting experience for me seeing her use one. I asked why she didn't use the calculator that was there and she told me she had more confidence in using the abacus. When I saw her using it, I thought that I would really like to learn how to use one too. They were an interesting couple, and their sushi was very delicious.

Store Name:Futaba Sushi
Address:Suginami-ku Asagaya Kita 3-27-9
Store Owner:Tetsuhide Ichinose
Santosh Yonjan, Nepal


住所:杉並区阿佐谷北3-11-22  TEL:03-3338-5561

執筆:Shin Shotan(中国)


住所:杉並区阿佐谷北3-27-9  TEL:03-3337-2817
店主:一之瀬 哲英(いちのせてつひで)さん
執筆:Santosh Yonjan(ネパール)


  • 取材:Greg、Shilash Sharma , Shin Shotan、Joseph Fong , Santosh Yonjan
  • 掲載日:2011年10月01日